This episode is about a problem that every business owner has who either has employees or plans to have them. This problem is the true cost of hiring the wrong employees, having the wrong people on your team, the toxic environment it creates, and how to deal with cutting out this cancer, while at the same time minimizing the stress it causes you a business owner and entrepreneur.

First, please know that this is general theory and my opinion, not legal advice in any way shape or form, and you should consult an attorney on this subject as employment laws at the federal and state level differ quite a bit. 

For those of you who have been business owners for more than a few years, you most likely have had to let employees go for a variety of reasons. It’s generally not a task most business owners enjoy. 

However, terminations are a critical part of your company as it drives, company culture which is one of the most important aspects of your company.

A few years ago I decided to write down a list of beliefs or values that I wanted our company to stand for. I then took this list of 8-10 belief statements and took them to my team in one of our weekly meetings and went through them one by one. 

Over the years, I found that things like having an employee who doesn’t share the same beliefs about how they deal with their co-workers and our clients, never lasts. Not only don’t they last, but they can do a lot of damage to the other team members.

Typically, what we are taught in how to fire someone is to sit them down and explain the reasons they are getting fired by going over a laundry list of infractions or weaknesses and tell them it’s just not working out because they do this wrong, that wrong, aren’t strong in this area, etc

So how do we handle firing someone? I changed my approach after many years of doing it the standard way. Now when I fire someone, I select an external reason outside of the person’s inability or main reason you are firing them.

I’m not advocating you lie to people as you want to be truthful, but you can most likely come up with legitimate reasons for letting them go. For example, every business has to make staff realignments from time to time and this restructuring causes layoffs.

By trying not to burn bridges with someone who has internal knowledge of your company, you don’t incentivize them to go out of their way to badmouth you on social media or elsewhere.

I would encourage you to take a step back, sit down with your employees and come up with a list of what your company standards are for dealing with fellow staff members and also review how you fire someone, and try out some of these ideas

In the next episode, we are going to talk about the difference between B2C and B2B businesses, and what you need to focus on as a B2B entrepreneur.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

Company culture and morale are critical in your company’s successLetting one bad employee pollute your other team members can be costly and do real damage to your business.When firing someone, choose reasons that are external to the employee so they don’t badmouth you and cause you less stress.

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

