The Coronavirus has been a huge tragedy in almost all of our lives. However, the question becomes, how can you take this bad situation and turn it into a positive? 

When the Coronavirus panic hit in mid-March, the financial markets collapsed and most of the country went home. It would have been very easy to get severely depressed and feel helpless. However, something in me told me that I needed to take this as an opportunity to grow myself and our company. I really started changing my thought process from a defensive posture of dealing with obstacles and life to a more proactive mindset. I love Myron Golden’s idea that life happens for you, not to you. As I started to think about business and life like that, it gave me more power and peace than I have ever had.

With this conscious decision to take this time as an opportunity to reevaluate what we were doing as a company has been one of the biggest changes in 20 years of SalesDouble’s history as a company. I’m very proud of what our company has become, the number of client’s we have helped over the years. We’ve improved our service, gotten better at it, added features, etc. 

By forcing myself to go back to the basics, focus, and work on why we exist as a company, there have been a lot of revelations, and we have made a lot of changes internally. Not everything has come to fruition, as only small changes are seen on the surface, but internally, we have refocused on how we can serve our clients, what problems they have, what they want and need, and how we can help them with those problems.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

The Coronavirus has been a huge tragedy in almost all of our livesI needed to take this as an opportunity to grow myself and our companyBy forcing myself to go back to the basics, focus, and work on why we exist as a company, there have been a lot of revelations, and we have made a lot of changes internally

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

