Good soldiers follow orders, but we’re just following the Bad Batch (with heart eyes) as we continue our Season 1 recap!

“Cut and Run” and “Replacements” (The Bad Batch S1, Ep. 2–3) continue to illuminate a changing galaxy. The Empire is rolling out chain codes to register and track citizens, sending elite forces to wipe out insurrectionists, and scheming to make the former Republic’s clone troopers obsolete. At the same time, the Bad Batch is skittering from one hidey-hole to the next, never able to stand still.

The tension is tight, but we still get some absolutely delightful moments: Omega seeing sunlight and dirt for the first time, reuniting with Cut Lawquane and Suu, moon dragons, piggy-back rides from Uncle Wrecker, and a plot that revolves around getting a family onto a bus out of town. This show has us in tears in all the best ways.

Next week, join us in recapping “Cornered” and “Rampage” (The Bad Batch Season 1, Episodes 4–5).