Not to dunk on it too badly, but so little of note happened in “The Wynkahthu Job” (Rebels S3, Ep. 9) that we added “Visions and Voices” (Rebels S3, Ep. 11) to our watch this week. Combined, these episodes show that there are two Boomers inside of you—a Hondo and a Maul—and you become the one you feed.

We spend quality time on Dathomir getting hassled by Nightsister ghosts, and watch Thrawn touring the facility and picking up slack on Lothal. 

Join us this week for an impromptu triple-header as we explore themes of sabotage, betrayal, and oppression. We also talk about the next owner of the darksaber, Maul’s trauma-goggles, and Ezra growing up.

Want even more Growing Up Skywalker? This is a great time to sign up for our Patreon for bonus audio content! After we finish Visions Season 2, we’re on to a big old recap of Claudia Gray’s “Master and Apprentice” novel, starring baby Obi-Wan and peak Qui-Gonn Jinn.


00:00:00 Plot Overview

00:14:42 Threads Tying These Episodes Together

00:28:41 Thrawn, Sabotage, and TIE Defenders, 

00:44:35 Lingering Questions

00:55:02 Bae Watch

01:02:32 Closing Thoughts