In this episode of the Growing the Future Podcast Dan chats with Scott Gillespie, Regenerative Ag Consultant and host of Plants Dig Soil podcast.

With his 15 years experience in dryland and irrigated specialty crop agriculture he has created a Cover Crop course that contains 37 lessons.

By the end of this course you will have plan for when, and when not, to implement cover crops on your farm -  For the first 10 listeners Scott is offering an exclusive deal on his course!

You won’t want to miss this episode as Dan and Scott dive deep into regenerative ag and cover crops!


In this episode, you’ll learn:

How Scott became a Regenerative Ag ConsultantScott's background in agricultureWhat is considered regenerativeWhat is Scott’s definition of regenerativeScott's advice for producers looking into this spaceThe problems producers are facing and how they fix themThe difference between a coach and consultantWhat your return in investment might look likeChanges Scott has seen in his clients after working togetherAll about Scott’s Cover Crops courseHow many producers are currently doing cover cropsWhy are so few doing cover cropsWhat are the net benefits of doing these practicesHow Scott measures ROICan problems be solved with cover cropsProblems Scott has run into as a consultantWhen are farmers going to get paid for thisWhere Scott really stands on the subjectWhat working with Scott looks like


*Exclusive Deal* 

Use Code: Future for $20.00 off! (First ten listens)

Take the Cover Crop Course here:

Plants Dig Soil podcast:

Connect with Scott: 





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