Resonant Design is a Berlin-based design agency specialized in interfaces for music production.

In this episode, we talk about their product design process, taking inspiration from the physical world, and the advantages of being specialized in a well-defined niche.


Simon MartinFabian RufHauke Scholz


00:00 Intro

08:00 Starting Company & First Clients

11:00 Market Research & Validation

13:00 Desktop Music Production & Hardware

18:00 Product Design Process

20:00 Specific Ux Expertise

25:00 Design & Visual Language

27:00 Deconstructing The Real World

30:00 Tools Blenda, Adobe Ai, Figma

33:00 Sprites

36:00 Designing For Stage

40:00 Testing

48:00 Future Of Ux In Music

