Are you like many people who have already failed to keep New Year’s resolutions year in and year out?  Tired and what to change?  It’s time for a New approach so how about trying some self-coaching techniques to help you work on you in 2022!



Sandra is a self-proclaimed unintentional coach… that is, she never intended to become one, it wasn’t even on her radar. However, from the time she first started coaching her maturing teenagers, friends, and family, she knew she had discovered her passion and life’s purpose.  Fast forward to coaching aspiring leaders and executives for over half of her federal career to being the CEO/Founder of New Horizen Coaching & Professional Growth Advancement where she helps individuals move from the moments of the seemingly impossible dwelling on the woulda, coulda, shoulda moments to experience their world of possibilities.

Sandra continues to not only coach, but mentor and teach. As the host of ‘Grow Your Own Voice, Overcome Your Fears’, she found her own voice as she ventured into the world of writing. Now as a best-selling author and contributor to Choice, the magazine for coaches, numerous LinkedIn articles, Lead Up for Women and Forbes Coaches Council Sandra helps other aspiring writers and authors as well as serves as a ghostwriter.


Discussion Points/Time Stamps:

Acknowledgments :57 Step 1 2:56 Step 2 4:16 Step 3 6:07 Step 4 8:45 Self-Coaching S.M.A.R.T. Goals 9:17


Resources (Books)

Create the Life You Want And How a Coach Can Help How Life Coaching Can Improve Your Health & Wellbeing: Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, and Spiritually To learn more about the “Ramp it Up” Workshop , send an email to [email protected]


Contact Information

To schedule coaching appointments:


Social Media

LinkedIn (personal: LinkedIn (business): Twitter: Facebook (business): Forbes Coaches Council:




[email protected]


Tags:  #self-coaching  #change  #podcast  #overcomeyourfears #growyourvoice

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