Take a journey, no, an adventure that will be like no other.  It’s a journey about life.  Your attitude and mindset have everything to do with how you will get there.  Where is there?  Wherever GOD happens to lead you.



Kris Castro is a change agent for others and now, herself.  She has been supporting senior leaders to help them achieve their visions and long-Term goals.  Kris is an Executive Coach, Trainer, Facilitator with over 20+ years in such industries as HR, advertising and marketing, food and beverages, real estate, career services, education as well as youth and health services organizations.

Kris has authored 5 books and developed numerous professional growth programs that helped individuals view change as an adventure, not as a struggle.


Discussion Points/Time Stamps:

Who is Kris Castro 2:13 The Adventure Mindset 4:57 “Handling it” 11:17 Preparing, Pruning & Growing 15:30 Writing the Book 25:17 Learned Lessons 27:45 The Many Blessings 35:03 GOD’s Promises 41:09



Company – BeginToShift.com Book (website) - Crazy Might Be An Adventure Facebook – facebook.com/kriscavanaugh LinkedIn - com/in/kriscavanaugh


Email: www.newhorizencoaching.com/contact