Deborah Knighton Tallarico, aka El'elia Christos, is a soul psychotherapist, spiritual counselor, teacher and guide, crystal~sound healer, visionary, divine channel and planetary priestess. She serves as a spiritual mid-wife for individuals and groups, helping beings heal the very depths of their Soul, clearing their past so that they can truly honor the Divine Being that they are, guiding them back to their Heart, to their connection with Spirit, Mother Earth and the Divinity within themselves and all things.

Since she was a young child she has had great empathy for the suffering of others, and knew she had a divine mission to be of service to the Earth and all beings.  Deborah holds this vision and prayer for humanity in her heart and believes that LOVE is the most powerful healing elixir in the Universe that will help us through these times. When we come into sacred relationship with all beings, with Mother Earth, Great Spirit, and the Divinity within ALL of life, we will truly raise the vibration and consciousness on Earth and co-create a New Earth. 

Deborah co-directs the Spiritual Renaissance Center, in South Portland, Maine with her husband Leo, where she tends the Temple of the Heart, a beautiful crystal healing temple where she provides her counseling and healing services, facilitates Path of the Goddess priestess circles, sacred ceremonies and spiritual groups. She is passionately devoted to assisting in the return of the Divine Feminine and the awakening of the Christ-Magdalene Consciousness on Earth.