Heather Brown is the Executive Director of Lake of the Ozarks Convention and Visitors Bureau. She and Kaylen discuss the benefits of being a member, as well as all the organization brings to our lake area. 

Did you know our convention and visitors bureau is a members-based organization? When you become a member your business website receives a lot of visibility on funlake.com which has around 1,000,000 visitors annually. 

The CVB also partners with Tri-County Lodging for maximum exposure and promotion of our lake area.

Check out the visit widget to plan your next visit! This is an amazing tool, you can check it out here: https://funlake.visitwidget.com

The CVB also publishes The Restaurant Guide and The Visitors Guide.

If you want to know what’s going on at the Lake on any given day check out funlake.com, they have the most extensive event calendar at the lake!

Find it here: https://www.funlake.com/events

One of my favorite parts of this episode is when Heather explains why Lake of the Ozarks can be one of the safest and most wonderful places to visit.  Also, it’s so exciting what she has to say at the end about the future of our lake area. 

Heather, thank you for coming on the show, you were a dynamic guest!

You can connect with Heather and Lake of the Ozarks CVB on

Instagram:  @funlakemo

FB: @Lake Of the Ozarks Convention & Visitor Bureau

Visitor website:  https://www.funlake.com