On the latest episode of Grow Sessions we welcome Kim Gibson of Gibby's Garden, the first family-owned cannabis business and  first licensed micro business in the state of Massachusetts.  In this informative discussion, Kim will discuss the unique challenges Gibby's had to overcome to get where they are today in an episode entitled, "The Challenges & Rewards of Creating a Small Cannabis Business."

Topics in this episode include pointers and recommendations to others thinking of opening a cannabis business, an overview of the license and fit-up process with pointers and recommendations, the responsibility they feel to assist and partner with other small cannabis establishments to help drive this new industry in a healthy direction and their drive to hold onto the respect for and purity of this God-given herb that is destined to help all of mankind...if mankind will just get out of the way and much, much more.

If you are a cannabis grower thinking of opening your own cannabis business, you don’t want to miss this episode. 

About Kim Gibson

• Kim is a licensed builder and has been designing and building data centers for the last 25 years for a Central MA company.   She has been transitioning out of this position over the last six months and is happy to have only one full-time position on the horizon!.  

• Her education is in Secondary Science Education with a minor in Microbiology undertaken at Oregon State University.

• Kim’s heart is in the medicinal end of the Cannabis industry.  She has been producing herbal remedies from herbs in the Gibson home Gardens for decades, so the transition to Cannabis has been a natural move.

• Kim manages the overall licensing and business aspect of paperwork, filing and registrations for Gibby’s.

• Beyond continuing to nurture the relationships with our partners, Kim is planning to form an organization of small Cannabis establishments that will encourage further partnerships and give us a stronger voice beside the corporate cannabis groups as this industry continues to be formed.   

About Gibby's Garden

Gibby’s Garden LLC is the first Cannabis Microbusiness Establishment in Massachusetts.  Gibby’s received Commence Operations from the state of MA on Dec. 31, 2019.  Gibby’s is a family operated business owned by Kim and Fred Gibson and their son Joseph Gibson with Kim being the majority owner.  

Gibby’s Garden Microbusiness:

• Gibby's  grow facility is located in Uxbridge, MA and is approximately 11,000 SF split between administrative spaces, grow room, production rooms and storage.  We are currently beginning the fit-up of our final two flower rooms which will cap us at the 5,000 SF of grow when complete  summer of 2022.

• Kim’s background in construction has saved in design and permit set costs.  Joe and Fred performed as much of the initial construction as possible.    

To learn more about Kim Gibson and Gibby's Garden, please visit www.gibbysgardenma.com. Gibby's welcomes other cultivators to visit their grow and learn more about what it took to get where they are today.

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