Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of a 70-year old looking to stay active? If you have, you might realise that more and more older people looking to keep fit feel like there is nowhere they truly belong. The gym is intimidating for all ages, but this is an age group that didn't grow up with the gym as an option. Online fitness brands are targeted towards young, fit people and most options that do cater to an older audience focus on the negatives of aging and make the individual feel like they’re one step away from the grave.

But with millennials and gen z’s taking the lions share of ‘fitness focus’, is it worth spending time trying to reach this older audience? The answer is a resounding YES! For two reasons:

This group is important AND they deserve to have great fitness options available to them. It’s a smart business decision as more and more of this age group want to workout, and they want to do it online in the safety and comfort of their own home.

If you’ve listened to the podcast for a while, you’ll know that myself and my business, SH1FT, are all about breaking down fitness stereotypes and creating fitness for life, at ANY age, with any body. So that’s why I’m so excited to chat to today’s podcast guest, Kelly Froelich!

Kelly and her co-founder Katie have built an entire business around catering to the 65+ age group called Balanced and today, she’s going to share with you how they built it, why they built it and the tactics they used to ensure the business is a HUGE success. Enjoy the episode!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Balanced Website, Instagram, and FacebookKelly Froelich on LinkedInWill’s Facebook, Instagram and Email AddressSH1FT Fitness Website