In the fitness industry of 2020, just staying afloat was an achievement in itself. But as we move into 2021 with hope of a more optimistic future, now is a great time to focus on the changes that have happened and how they have altered the fitness industry forever. So how do we try to get back to a place where we all feel a bit more comfortable and what exactly will this new normal look like this year? 

In this podcast, Will is sharing three key predictions, as well as some actionable tips to ensure you maximize these opportunities to your advantage.

Enjoy this solo episode with Will!

Links mentioned in this episode:

FREE DOWNLOAD: 3 Key Predictions for Group Fitness in 2021Episode 3 with Susan Renata on Uncovering Your Instructor SuperpowerEpisode 9 with Bevan on how to foster community in Group FitnessWill’s Facebook, Instagram and Email AddressSH1FT Fitness Website