Today we're discussing Bill Maher's stance on the "Chinese virus" debate, Digital Mirage, The Edge Barbershop's gofundme, Fauci's prediction that we could return to normalcy by November, the beginning of the distribution of stimulus checks and PPP loans, Trump's refusal to bailout the postal service, the closing of some streets in the U.S. to create space for socially distant exercising, Cowboys Dak Prescott and Zeke Elliott's busted party during quarantine, Texas governor Greg Abbott's decision to ease lockdown to 'restore livelihoods,' Universal's Video On Demand model and its effect on 'Troll's World Tour,' coronavirus's potential to crash the stock market and create an economic downturn similar to the post WWII era, Millennial Word Monday, and more.

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316 – Is the American Dream Dead?

Hey, don’t come near me. [3:40]

Group Chat responds to Bill Maher’s video on cancel culture. Who is to blame? [7:50]

Corporate socialism in America, the real problem. [15:30]

Shout out to Kathy’s doing good during these tough times. [23:47]

Check your balances. [25:30]

What does society look like with a re-open? [28:08]

The enormous opportunity for urban landscaping. [32:18]

Is globalization over? [36:43]

The political pickle our Governers are in. [39:40]

The reckless thing about young people. [41:55]

The ongoing debate, Trump’s response to the coronavirus. [45:10]

Is the American Dream dead? [48:50]

Pete reads the Ads. [56:50]

Will the movie industry be forever impacted by COVID-19? [1:00:17]

How the stock market is NOT reflecting economic status. [1:08:35]

Millennial Word Monday. [1:13:40]

Related Links/Products Mentioned

Bill Maher

Digital Mirage

The Edge Barbershop Greenville SC

White House rejects bailout for postal service

Check your balance

Dr. Fauci

Some US cities close streets for socially distant exercise

Texas to ease coronavirus lockdown

Cowboys party during quarantine

Trump wants to reopen country soon

Behind Trump's response to coronavirus

Think Jinx **Code “groupchat” at checkout**

Will 'Trolls World Tour' profit off Universal's experimental VOD (& drive-in theater) model?

Stock market crash

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