Today we're discussing the schools in California that announced they will not be open in the fall, the end of $600 unemployment checks, Chris Wallace's fight with Trump, Ruth Bader Ginsburg's cancer returning, Roger Stone's use of a racial slur on the air, Tory Lanez shooting Megan Thee Stallion, Telsa, Intel, and Microsoft's quarterly earnings, Zoom's new home hardware, the new information about the tech CEO that was dismembered and why his assistant is now a prime suspect, what the heartthrob prince of Qatar really did at USC, and more.

Canadians Are Attacking Americans – Group Chat News

Are we ready for some football? [6:48] What is going on with schools starting back? [18:03] The caveats surrounding round 2 of stimulus checks. [22:00] Chris Wallace exposing Trump on live TV. [26:18] Roger Stone is a psychopath. [29:50] Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the most common person on Earth to stay alive. [34:19] Pete Reads the Ads. [36:11] “Tony” shot Megan. [40:09] The BIG week of earnings ahead. [45:57] Should Zoom be canceled? [49:35] The crazy story of Tyrese Haspil. [55:00] A prince of Qatar finessed USC. [59:00] RIP John Lewis. [1:05:45]

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Visit Raycon for an exclusive offer for Group Chat listeners! Players blitz NFL with tweets about safe return School classrooms in most California counties won't open due to coronavirus surge This is the last week of $600 unemployment benefits Chris Wallace gets into exchange with Trump over cognitive tests Roger Stone calls Black radio host a "Negro" Ruth Bader Ginsburg announces cancer recurrence, will remain on the Supreme Court Tory Lanez allegedly shot Megan Thee Stallion while she was 'trying to leave' vehicle Tesla's prayer for profit, earning test for Intel and Microsoft highlight first big weeks for coronavirus-tainted earnings Zoom launches a line of hardware for home use Tyrese Haspil The true story of the heartthrob prince of Qatar and his time at USC John Lewis: Good Trouble (2020 Behind Closed Doors Melrose Street Journal