Today we're discussing the man who got $69 million from the state of New York after tweeting to President Trump about ventilators, U.S. intelligence concluding the virus was not man-made, unemployment reaching 30 million, the economy receding 4.8%, coronavirus's impact on Georgia's driving exams, the consequences of reopening meat-processing plants, the professors of journalism who are demanding that networks stop airing Trump's briefings, the pressure Joe Biden is under from donors who don't want him picking Elizabeth Warren for VP, AMC's decision to ban Universal movies after the on-demand success of Troll's World Tour, the potential collaboration between Disney World and the NBA, the NFL's consideration of airing games on Saturdays if college football causes delays, the NCAA's push to allow college athletes to have paid endorsements, Facebook's losses in ad revenue in March, the pressure Airbnb entrepreneurs are under amid the pandemic, Winners, Losers, Content Recommendations, Tim Gamache's new song, and more

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324 - 30 Million Unemployed?!

Pete Exotic. [1:52]

Kathy’s doing cool things, the concept behind ‘Stay Inside the Lines’. [4:25]

Group Chat Announcements. [7:18]

An interesting perspective on Magic Leap. [12:04]

Money is irrelevant for the Government. [20:37]

Is there anything you believe less than a Government released statement on the coronavirus? [25:14]

A hot take on the ‘Great Re-opening'. [28:23]

Unemployment numbers are crushing it and the stock market makes no sense. [37:15]

How will the coronavirus pandemic affect inequality? [48:35]

The huge supply chain issue at meat-processing plants. [54:53]

Don’t take away our press conferences. [58:07]

Biden says the darndest things. [1:00:04]

What game is Universal playing? [1:01:43]

Pete reads the Ads. [1:06:40]

Anything goes in Sports Land. [1:08:13]

Cause for concern over at Facebook? [1:15:27]

The party is over for Airbnb hosts. [1:17:19]

Weekly Winners & Losers. [1:19:47]

Hottest Content for the Weekend. [1:31:23]

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U.S. spy agencies conclude virus NOT 'man-made'

Georgia drops driving test requirement for license due to pandemic

What you need to know about coronavirus, on Thursday April 30

New unemployment claims

U.S. weekly jobless claims

U.S. economy shrinks

How will the coronavirus pandemic affect inequality?

Meat-processing plants

Journalism professors call on networks to stop airing Trump briefings

Big money donors are pressuring Joe Biden

AMC theaters

NBA in talks with Disney World

NFL exploring Saturday games if college football delays season

NCAA proposes letting college athletes get paid for endorsements

Facebook CFO

'A bargain with the devil'

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The Round Up

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