"It takes a lot of grit to be able to show up, way before the race. A lot of people put so much emphasis on the day of, but we don’t give ourselves enough credit for the actual training that we put in…give yourself the credit and grace to say I am capable of doing hard things.”

Latoya Shauntay Snell is an endurance athlete, activist, and food/fitness blogger. Latoya has completed over 30 marathons and documents much of her training over on her blog, Running Fat Chef. She is also the co-host of The Long Run Podcast (through the 300 Pounds and Running Network) alongside Martinus Evans. You may have seen her sharing the November 2020 cover of Runner’s World as a Runners Alliance Ambassador, advocating for runner safety and body politics. Latoya's advocacy journey continued to evolve when, in 2017, she was heckled by spectators while running the New York City Marathon, which was publicized in Runner's World. She went on to pen an essay about that experience on The Root that went viral. Her platform has continued to grow since then and she creates amazing content across social media platforms– from workouts, to food and meal prep, to life lessons. In this conversation, she shares insights on marathon training, endurance, and how to stay motivated when facing adversity.


In this Episode:

Running Fat Chef Blog “I’m a Plus Size Runner and I Got Heckled at the NYC Marathon,” by Latoya Shauntay Snell,com, November 30, 2017. “Running Needs Something More Radical Than Body Positivity. Here's How Latoya Shauntay Snell Is Making It Happen,” by Taylor Dutch,com, October 22, 2020. Black Girls Run


Follow Latoya Shauntay Snell:

Instagram: @iamlshauntay Tik Tok: @iamlshauntay Twitter: @latoyashauntay The Long Run Podcast with Martinus Evans


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