When you search for Dino GIacomazzi online, you find a farmer who is focused on the environment. You also read a lot about dairy farming, but last year, the Giacomazzi family sold the cows & shifted their focus to crops including the almonds they had nurtured for the past 5 years. Dino shares how that came to happen and how environmental sustainability learned in the dairy is leading to innovation in reducing water use. He also has sons (12 yr old Miro & 7 yr old Gio) join us to discuss the new business they started while out of school due to the corona virus.

Links mentioned in the podcast:

Photos / video of almonds on the tree https://groundedbythefarm.com/almond-trees/ Buying almonds from the Giacomazzi Brothers https://giacomazzibrothers.com/ or GBNuts.com Video of Dino and his father Don with a post I wrote while visiting years ago https://jploveslife.com/agriculture/animal-ag/giacomazzi-dairy-farm-video/ Article highlighting some of the environmental work in almonds Dino is doing https://newsroom.almonds.com/content/ag-secretary-goes-for-full-almond-experience Video of the Giacomazzi Brothers https://youtu.be/1sdK0FdnM_g Nut milking exposed video (so funny) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJCTIPWPNtw

Other links of interest:
