4-29-2020 Show Notes

Welcome to grounded. Say the date. Podcastable. Notes added after live is over.

Earnings - https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/tesla-tsla-q1-2020-earnings-revenue
First positive gaap in Q1 - 20% gross margin while ramping 2 products

More Model Y in first quarter than first 2 Q of 3. Y is profitable already

Auto stop. Car is capable of much more but only giving good functionality with safety improvement. Data from over 1 million intersections a month. Soon over 1 billion.

All confirmations training neural net. Comparing FSD training to Google search training.

Soon through intersections with no confirmation and turns. Possible to do a drive home to work with no interventions by end of the year. Can almost do this with alpha that Elon is using.

EPA left S on overnight and lost 2% so it should have had 400 miles.

Will they bring 1 piece casting to Model 3? Currently 2 piece casting for Y

Continuing full Model Y ramp world wide

Pedal to the metal on new products and expanding.

Did not experience lag of orders after gov incentive gone. Largest back order yet.

On track for record if no shut down

FSD subscription? We will offer but towards the end of the year.

Reducing SR model 3 price in China for subsidy

3rd week of May for battery day? California or Texas.

Deferred is 600 million from FSD

How many Giga for next 5 years? Several more. Next announced next month in US.

Robotaxi next year

Possible Model Y Air Suspension - https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/tesla-model-y-rear-module-features-air-suspension-options

New SATLASS - https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/tesla-autopilot-traffic-light-and-stop-sign-control