The big topic in the news feed are the numerous indictments against Donald Trump, causing much dissension between the Left and Right. Our polarized political ideologies are blinding us to the fascism that has slowly crept into our existence. It's the decimation of America - a controlled demolition reminiscent of the Weimar Republic with show trials, silencing of dissent, disarming the populace, and arresting political enemies. Innocent people are being targeted unjustly without due process and the security annex is now being used to track down those who do not identify with the current leadership. Moreover, the media needs to take a hard look at themselves before they attempt to expose the "Big Lie." Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about THE BIG LIES AND THE DISNEYONAZIS THAT TELL THEM. #GroundZero #ClydeLewis #TheBigLie #DonaldTrump


Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis is live M-F from 7-10pm, pacific time, and streamed for free at groundzero.radio and talkstreamlive.com. There is a delayed broadcast on our local Portland radio station, KPAM 860, from 9pm-12am, pacific time. To leave a message, call our toll-free line at 866-536-7469. To listen by phone: 717-734-6922. To call the live show: 503-225-0860. For Android and iPhones, download the Paranormal Radio app. The transcript of each episode will be posted after the show on our website at groundzeromedia.org.

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