Episode 4: “Rings of Hell IV: A Very Special Garcetti Episode” -- No one has pushed the #LA28 Olympic bid harder than Mayor Eric Garcetti, and the majority of Los Angeles residents don’t know who he is. Only in recent months has his negligence (and coziness with the LAPD) made him something of an infamous character to those now tapped into local politics, but his background in violent neoliberalism long predates the COVID-19 pandemic and 2020 Uprising.

In this episode @nolympicsla answer the question, “Who is Eric Garcetti?” in a conversation taped in 2018, long before he offered Angelenos facing eviction a limited-time $20 discount on parking tickets. For a deep dive on Eric that predates headlines you may be familiar with, start here. ‘Rings of Hell’ segment originally produced with @knockdotla: 10/18/18

Also, it bears noting Eric Garcetti spent one out of every three days in 2017 out of town, shaking hands and greasing deals for the Olympics-- he was so frequently MIA that @nolympicsla launched a website to track his whereabouts: WHERESGARCETTI.COM