Just wanted to give you a heads-up on my next book for the series.

I'll be recording a book called "Heretics," by G.K. Chesterton.  It's not a story, it's a collection of essays on religion and politics, ethics and morality, heresy and orthodoxy.  These are serious topics, yet the book manages to be clever and funny, I think, intelligent and witty and not at all vehement as discussions of these topics tend to be these days.

Chesterton was an intelligent man who didn't take himself too seriously.  He was certainly willing to disagree vehemently, even with his friends, but they remained his friends, and he continued to admire and respect them, even while disagreeing with them.  Seems like one doesn't see that much these days.

I hope you enjoy the book -- but if you feel strongly about only listening to stories, you'll have to exercise your judgement on this one.  And it's a long enough book that I'll be doing it, probably, through the end of the year.

Hope you'll stick around.  Give it a chance.  But make up your own mind.