On today's episode of Gritty Founder, Kreig Kent talks with Yaro Starak about the motivation, grit, and persistence needed to build his hugely successful blog. Yaro also shares how he has designed his life to live a laptop lifestyle.

Yaro Starak is the author of the Blog Profits Blueprint and founder of the Entrepreneurs-Journey.com blog, which is now rebranded as Yaro.blog. He began blogging over ten years ago initially as a hobby, however as his income from blogging surpassed $10,000 a month, he decided his future lay in this new publishing medium.

Some Questions Kreig Asks Yaro:

- What's your motivation, what drives you? (10:29)

- Can you talk about the role of persistence in your success as a founder? (17:45)

- What does your day look like? (24:16)

- How did you build your team? (28:35)

- What's your biggest strength? (39:47)

- What is one thing that you find to be true that most people would disagree with? (41:54)

- What is one marketing tactic for those listening who want to start a blog? (45:00)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

- About Yaro's journey as an entrepreneur (2:08)

- About what drives Yaro and the lifestyle he has designed for himself (10:32)

- The importance of managing energy levels (18:20)

- About consistency and persistence when building an audience and business (20:58)

- About Yaro's daily schedule (24:16)

- How Yaro built his team and the importance of developing an effective hiring process (28:35)

- The importance of delegating work to be more productive and grow your business (37:26)

- Yaro's thoughts on simplicity and doing less (42:00)

Connect with Yaro Starak:

Yaro’s Blog



Also Mentioned on This Show...

Yaro’s favorite quote:

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Yaro’s book recommendations:

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger

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