On this episode of GriPSSI, Dr. Cindy talks about the importance of planning for your future! Whether you are just getting started in your career, have a start-up, or going strong in your own profession, women need to focus on achieving longevity in their business in order to maintain long-term success. With all the obstacles women face in the working world, they need to be especially cognizant of the reality that their drive could potentially fizzle out and their health could fail, from neglect. It takes an incredible amount of energy to deliver, day-to-day and often, people forget to take a break and heal themselves accordingly.

In this episode, you’ll hear Dr. Duke discuss creating a “longevity plan”, how to avoid burn out, and what you can do today to maintain balance in your life. 



Making sure the dream survives Self-care Defining what success is for your business (ex: happy clients, hard-working staff, great reputation) “In order to get balance, you have to TAKE balance.” Taking time to step away from your career to give yourself time to recharge Protecting yourself from negative energy The impact of sleep, exercise and diet


Key Takeaway: Life is a journey, not a race. That means making sure you can go the distance, planning for the ups and downs, and taking breaks when you need to recharge.



Website: https://drcindyduke.com

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