There are times when people feel stuck in life and uncertain about their future. They feel like nothing’s new and just constantly live in that everyday, ordinary life. Eventually, life gets dull. So why don’t you spice things up and make a change? Step out of the box and enter a new chapter of your life. Bring back the excitement and the thrill of how great it is to be alive.

In this episode, I’m going to give you 4 changes that you need to make if you want to change your life so that you get to try and do new things you never even thought you were capable of. Once you do, you get to learn and experience different perspectives and get fulfillment from achieving them.

[3:02] You're here for a purpose. You have a greater mission. You have people who are looking to you for advice and guidance and looking to see how you wake up and tackle this world every day. 

 [3:33] There's something special about you and you need to find out what it is and you need to pursue excellence and pursue your greatness so that you can be that leader and role model to other people who look to you.

[5:12] Even though I couldn't see it for myself, I thought there must be more to life than just struggling every day financially and emotionally. Struggling with my health, my personal development, and my personal growth. 

[6:27] Change the way you talk to yourself and about yourself. 

[7:30] It starts with you. It starts with you saying to yourself these very amazing and powerful affirmations or mantras.

[9:04] Anytime that you feel that you're about to say something negative about yourself or you have these negative thoughts about your situation, I want you to go to that positive statement. 

[10:16] If you can believe negative words, sentences, and phrases about yourself and you act as if they're true, why can't you switch that up? Why can't you tell yourself how powerful and amazing you are and start to walk in that truth? 

[11:53] Change what you do on a daily basis that isn't serving you in a powerful way. 

[12:43] You really have to do an inventory of how you spend your time and I promise you once you do that, you'll see that you can take that time and probably spend it in ways that are going to help you move your life forward and make it through a situation or get out of this rut you're in or whatever it is that you feel is holding you back. 

[13:20] If you want something different, you have to do something different. 

[14:54] Change your mindset. Changing your language and your actions are going to help you to change your mindset. Like we have to learn to program our minds for success and greatness and to create the life we deserve. 

[15:48] When you can visualize success, when you can see it for yourself, you don't necessarily have to know the "how" but you know that it's going to happen. 

[18:25] Create vision boards, put up images in your home, in your office, in your car, on your smartphone. Put these visuals up of what you're trying to create. 

[20:07] Change your habits. 

[20:14] Actions make habits. 

[21:17] Play more towards the habits that are going to move you through fear, self-doubt, challenging situations, and areas of your life that you're just struggling or you find challenging.  

[23:17] Massive action is necessary for massive change. 

[24:37] Habits are powerful because what you do every day automatically is going to determine your level of success, happiness, and joy in your life. 


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