Lacking confidence is something that a lot of people experience that’s also keeping them from achieving goals. When a seemingly difficult or new task is coming our way, some of us imagine the worst-case scenario right away. This is what holds us back in our lives. This is what keeps us from becoming successful.

Let me share with you 8 tips from the lessons I’ve learned along the way into having that unshakeable confidence. All these tips have helped me make major shifts in my life and helped me to overcome my fears and self-doubt. 

[5:01] Spend time understanding who you really are.
[7:02] Catch, release, and replace negative thoughts.
[7:21] Ask yourself, why am I thinking this? Where does this come from?
[11:29] Do it scared. You just have to acknowledge that you’re just not in the most confident state right now. You’re still gonna do it coz you know you’ll make it through.
[12:23] The fear is not as great as you think. We always think about the worst outcome. Instead of making it the opposite and thinking how powerful and positive it could be.
[12:57] Keep an I am list. Make a list of all the amazing things you love about yourself.
[15:00] Stop thinking about the worst-case scenarios and start thinking about the best-case scenarios.
[15:29] Focus on how you will feel once you take action. Who you will become once you take action.
[15:55] Learn more. Learn more about yourself. Learn more about the situation. Learn more about the topic you’re presenting on. Learn more about the audience you’re speaking to. Learn more about the challenging situations you have to confront.
[16:22] The more prepared that you are, the more confident you will be.
[16:52] Preparation is knowing yourself.
[17:25] When you can speak about something from a position of understanding, you’re going to get more confident. You’ll be more confident than when you do nothing.
[18:20] Be around people who make you feel confident. 
[21:09] My mentors and coaches saved my life.
[23:22] If you’re the type of person who’s lacking confidence or lacking self-esteem, let me tell you, there’s something special about you. 


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