As a business coach and former life coach, I have encountered many people who have a victim mindset. People who often see the challenges and not opportunities, people who see everything wrong and nothing right in their lives, people who are waiting for others to save them instead of saving themselves.

And no judgment from me, I was one of those people at one point. I didn't have goals or dreams, I thought the world was against me, and I was waiting for something or someone to come and save me. What I realized is that I had to save myself. I had to change my mindset, take different actions, connect with successful people and stay focused on me.

In this episode, I am talking to you. I am talking about how to develop a save yourself mindset and what it takes to not only change your situations in your life but to create the life you want.

You might want to listen to this one twice!

In this episode, I break down 5 ways to develop a "save yourself" mindset.

1. Understand no one is coming to save you

2. Develop a save yourself mindset

3. Get clear about what you really want

4. Take massive action

5. Stay focused on your goals and dreams


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The GET iT DONE Goal Achievement System
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