Sometimes when you get dealt a bad hand in life and it seems like things have taken a toll for the worse you just want to give up. Not The Jason Hodge! He kept fighting through health challenges, job loss, an unexpected divorce, and so many things that overlapped at the same time. He tapped into his inner strength, faith, family and became open to exploring.

It changed his life and had him walking a new path as a Podcaster, Media company owner that helps entrepreneurs and businesses tell their stories, he's a chef, writer, director, producer, and former interim program director at Time Warner Communications, Faithpreneur®️. And he is also a dad to four boys! 

Jason balances all of these things and is committed to helping others grow their businesses.

We talk about all of this and more in this episode. 


The Jason Hodge Links:

The Jason Hodge on Instagram

The Jason Hodge on Twitter 

The Jason Hodge Website


Coach Danny Stone's Links:

The GET iT DONE Goal Achievement System
Danny Stone Website
Danny Stone Facebook
Danny Stone Instagram
Danny Stone Twitter
Danny Stone LinkedIn



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