Failing...It's something most of us DO NOT want to talk about. Most people don't want to sit down and think about the things they failed at, they don't want to think about the goals that didn't happen or the dreams they gave up on. And that's why most people don't have the level of success they desire.

Too many people are afraid to fail and that failure stops them from getting started or it stops them from getting up and trying again. The fact is, failure is REQUIRED in order to have high level of success in your life or business. 

In this episode Coach Stone breaks down 7 reasons you need to fail to succeed. Take a listen.

Here's a snippet of what Coach Stone talks about in this episode:

[4:28] We all have failed at things in the past. And it's important to understand that and to embrace it.

[6:18] Too often I'm hearing people say, let's find other words to use instead of "fail." And I'll tell you right now, the most successful people that you know, whether it's CEOs of fortune 100 companies, whether it's highly successful athletes, whether it's somebody who has a really prominent career, I promise you that they understand that they failed in the past.

[9:49] Give yourself permission to fail and permission to be uncomfortable. And I'm not saying you should set out to fail. I'm saying that you should be able to succeed because you failed, you should learn from what you failed, you should take lessons. 

[17:08] I became a better writer, as a result of the first 5,6,7,8 drafts of my book not being good. 

[19:28] The fourth lesson is the fourth benefit here from failure is this. It helps you grow and learn. And now we already talked about this but failing stretches you, it pushes you outside of your comfort zone or where you even thought your comfort zone was and it takes you to new heights. 

[23:12] When you fail, and you step back and you pause, it gives you the opportunity to evaluate what did you do well, what did you do wrong.

[25:11] And so if you truly want to be successful, then failure is required. Failure is a key ingredient.

[26:09] There's no sugarcoating it, there's no way through it, we've all failed at certain things, we're going to continue to fail at certain things. And sometimes failure is necessary. Sometimes it's an indication what we thought we wanted just not for us.

[27:13] I really love this quote by JK Rowling's failure is so important. We speak about success all the time, it is the ability to resist failure or to use failure that often leads to greater success. I've met people who don't want to try for fear of failing. And that is so true. Some people just won't try because they're so afraid of failing. And they don't understand that failure is a part of the process. It's a requirement to be successful.


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