WE MADE IT! It's our anniversary. That's right, The Grind and Gratitude Show is ONE year old. The podcast has been going strong for one year. Over the last year, we have been bringing you tips, guidance, and guests dropping gems so that you can take the information and uplevel your business or your life.

We are thankful to have reached listeners in 50 countries and we plan on continuing to bring you amazing content, conversations, and information to create the life or business you want. However, this episode is not just about us, it's about you! And in this episode Coach Stone talks about the power of getting started and doing it scared. 

If you have some big dreams or major goals that you want to achieve and you are afraid to get started or you haven't taken action to make it happen, you will love this episode.

Here is some of what you will find out in this episode:

[2:17] That's right, the Grind and Gratitude Show launched one year ago. And I'm so excited about that because I just didn't know how long I would continue to do this show for I didn't even know how to launch a podcast back then.

[8:09] I think it was May 27 or something like that. And literally, that was eight days from the time that I decided to launch the podcast. And I knew nothing about a podcast. But I just made up my mind that I'm launching the podcast on that date. And I gave myself eight days to learn as much as I can about podcasting because I was launching the podcast in a days.

[9:39] This is why you have to get going on your goals. Because maybe there's something that you've been thinking about for a long time. You just think I don't know how to do this.

[10:28] So sometimes you just might have to find out who can help me is the friend, is it a family member? Is it somebody I know, maybe it's not somebody, you know, maybe you need to get a coach or a mentor? Or maybe you have to buy a course or a program. Or maybe you have to, you know, find some, some courses or programs or material from somebody who's already doing what you want to do.

[11:12] Whatever you're curious about, whatever you're passionate about, whatever you're constantly thinking about, you have to take action on that thing. Because that's what you're being pulled to do. That's what you're being called to do.

[12:43]  I took eight days, I learned as much as I can, I bought some equipment, I partnered up with some people who knew how to do it, and they helped me launch my podcast. And it's been a journey like this, this, this platform has opened up so many things in my life, it's helped me to kind of understand more about who I am, in my mission in the world and my purpose, and connecting with other amazing people.

[14:48] So I was afraid of a lot of things. But the thing that I have in common with every single thing I've ever achieved is that I just got started I did it scared. And that's my message to you, you got to get started. And you got to do it scared. Because if I hadn't have done this, I wouldn't be impacting lives all over the world.

[15:24] You know, we check the analytics a couple of weeks ago, we reached 50 countries. We have listeners in 50 countries. So wherever you're listening from right now, I just want to say thank you so much for tuning into the grind and gratitude show.

[17:45] Be thankful for the things that you have. Because when you start to look at your life with that lens, you start to attract more of the things that you want.

[21:41] I'm saying that there are things in your life that you've achieved, or that you've overcome, that you never thought you could achieve, and that you never thought you could overcome. And when you think about that, you have to go back and think about all of those things and use that as fuel for your future goals and dreams

[22:27] So we get messages from people that just like, Man, I'm loving the podcast. I love what you're doing. I love the tips that you give out. I tried this thing, I downloaded your guide, all of these different things. And that's why I continue to do this. That's why this podcast is so important to me. Because I know that people are listening. 

[24:47] I know there are some things that you really want in your life. And you have to go get them. You got to get started and you got to do it scared. Make a plan. Definitely want to make a plan. Write down what you've to Write what you want in your life, what you write, write down what you want in your life, in all areas of your life, health, finances, career, relationship, all that stuff.

[25:58] This is your time. It wasn't yesterday, it wasn't last year, it wasn't five years ago, it's not five now, five years from now, now is your time, the same way that I started this podcast and eight days, the same way that I wrote a book and 12 weeks you can do all of that. You can do anything that you want to do faster than you ever thought possible. You can I believe in you.

[28:37] If you want some help, finally getting your goals done, go to iamDannyStone.com/goals or click the link in this description.

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Free Goal-Setting Guide + Checklist
Champion You Coaching
Goal-Achievement System
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