There is a lot of heaviness in the world, with police brutality, racism, the pandemic, people are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and lost. Many people have gotten away from self-love and self-care. They have gotten away from showing love to others, forgiving themselves and others, and moving forward.

We need to get back to love!

We need to get back to loving ourselves and others and finding our inner champion so that we can find our true purpose and grow businesses that make a greater impact in the world.

In this episode, Danny Stone talks about why we need to get back to love, how to get back to love, and what you can start doing right now to re-ignite the fire inside of you.

Here's what is mentioned in this episode:

[2:40] I've been having lots of conversations with people. And there's a lot of heaviness, there's a lot of people that are feeling uncertain and overwhelmed and, you know, just out of place, whether they're struggling in their business or their career, or they're struggling in their lives. They've gotten away from self-love and really showing love to other people.

[4:17] I hit up Gary (Beals), I said Gary, I need you to come on. We're going to show your mini-documentary “Good love.” And then I want to talk to you about it. Because your album is all about love and forgiveness and letting go. So we did that he said he was on board.

[4:37] Then I called up some of my other friends, I called up a great friend of mine named Nicole Waldron, who has a movement called “Victory Speaks”, which is about helping you become victorious in life. I called up another friend named Lovemoore, who's a love coach. And she's all about helping you love yourself and getting back to finding the greatness within you. I called up another friend called Rudy Ray, who's an amazing trumpet player, he's traveled the world with the legendary hip hop group, Wu-Tang, he's an actor, he's an advocate.

[7:49] It's about self-care, taking the time out when you need it, putting up barriers when you need it, you know, allowing yourself time to rest and to recharge.

[11:45] We're, so concerned about what other people have to say about our lives. We're so worried about, you know, looking the part and looking like the strong one and, and looking like you have it all together. That sometimes, while we're too busy looking like we have it all together, we're falling apart inside.

[13:34] We really just need to get back to loving ourselves, understanding that there's greatness within us, sitting down and asking ourselves questions about who we are, who we're trying to become what we want to create.

[14:07] I'm talking about getting back to that winning spirit. I'm talking about getting back to being victorious. I'm talking about getting back to understanding that you're a winner you've won in the past You've achieved things that you never thought you could do. you've overcome huge challenges in your life. And you're still here. You're a champion.

[16:04] You cannot truly love someone else. Family, friends, you know, people that you're close to, you can't truly love them, unless you love yourself.

[18:57] Usually we have expectations around how we expect them to show up for us to validate that they love us back. And that's not unconditional love, right? Unconditional love is you love somebody regardless.

[21:27] I'm a firm believer in reaching back to people and saying, look, this is what you meant to me in my life. You know, this is how you helped me to see something in myself when I didn't believe in myself. Thank you so much. I love you. 

[23:56] Our ego gets in the way, all of these things. Sometimes we're suffering in life, we're struggling. We're trying to find ourselves again, and we're not reaching out to anybody and we're suffering in silence.

[24:28] I want you to think about this. How are you showing yourself love? How are you caring for yourself? Are you showing love to other people? The people that really mean a lot to you? Are you showing up for them every day? Are you telling them what they mean to you? Are you showing them with your actions? What do you really want in your life? 

[25:34] We got to get back to loving ourselves, we got to get back to loving our family, our friends, our community, we got to get back to loving others in the world. And then when we truly do that, that's when we can start to find our true mission and our true purpose.


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