This is episode 50 of The Grind and Gratitude Show! This is a big milestone for us and we will continue to bring you great content, tools, coaching, and guests to help you up-level your business and your life.

In this episode, Coach Stone gets real about why he invested in public speaking and how it has transformed his life helping him go from a shy, quiet, unsure person to a transformational speaker, coach, and author that is changing lives.

He shares 3 reasons he invested in public speaking sharing stories and lessons along his journey that will help you get clear about how you can build your confidence, enhance your speaking and change lives.


Here is some of what he talks about in this episode:

[2:44] I'm super excited. I'm excited because we made it to Episode 50. This is our 50th episode. And it's a big deal. 

[4:41]  I wasn't comfortable communicating. I wasn't comfortable speaking to people, I just never felt like I had anything to say, I never thought that I had a story or anything interesting to share.

[6:52] As my public speaking skills grew, my confidence grew. And what's so interesting about that is people noticed, even my friends, my family, they couldn't tell what it was. Because I wasn't telling people that I was working on my public speaking skills. It was a secret.

[8:12] And people started saying to me, man, Danny, you're a really good speaker. Man, that was a great presentation. Danny, that was a great meeting. So people started recognizing this confidence in me and noticing that I was becoming a more effective communicator, at work, and in my personal life.

[10:14] The second reason that I decided to invest in public speaking was, I wanted to change lives. I wanted to change people's lives. I grew up around a lot of toxicity, I grew up around a lot of violence. You know, I grew up around a lot of abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, that I personally experienced in my life. And I didn't want that for anyone else I grew up, not having goals and not having hopes and dreams.

[12:37] If I hadn't invested in that, there's no way that I would be speaking to you right now. There's no way that I'd be speaking on stages around the world, there's no way that I would have written a book, there's no way that I would be a coach.

[14:23] Danny, you have an interesting story. Can you come and share with these young people? Or can you come and share at this community center? Or can you come and share at this school? Oh, can you come and share it with our organization? And I would but I would stumble through and it wasn't concise and it wasn't clear.

[15:07] This isn't just speaking, also, you know, it's my posts on social media, I have people that send me direct messages on social media saying, man, Danny, that story that you just told. But that little, that little bit of information that you just shared, you really got me thinking about my life, or I'm crying right now, as I'm reading this, or, wow, you're such an amazing storyteller.

[19:55] I started this podcast to help you learn grow And share. That's what it's all about. I consider you like my co-host. And even though you're not sitting here with me right now and talking to me, I have you in mind, I'm almost imagining you sitting across from me, and we're having this conversation.

[21:01]  The third reason, the final reason, not the final reason, but the third big reason that I invested in myself
is to grow my business. See, I'm an entrepreneur, I'm a coach, I teach people how to grow their business, I teach people how to tell stories, I teach people how to become more effective communicators, more powerful communicators, to inspire people.

[22:31] That's when people started saying, hey, Danny, do you coach people? Hey, Danny, teach me what you know, hey, Danny, can you show me how you do this? Hey, Danny, I have a business. And I really need to learn how to speak like you. People started coming to me asking me if I could teach them how to be more effective speakers if I could teach them how to tell powerful stories. 

[26:56] So the decision is yours. I mean, is this something that you know, that you need to work on? Is this an area that you really want to grow into? Do you want to be more confident? Do you want to be a more effective communicator? Do you want to be somebody who changes lives? Do you want to be somebody who gets people into inspired action? Do you want to be somebody who has this amazing business that really grows and helps a lot of people?

[27:34] And if you do want to do that, I definitely want to help you. I'm dropping a brand new program. It's called champion you. It's all about helping you tell amazing stories and be a more effective communicator and speaker.


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Champion You Coaching
Goal-Achievement System
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