What's your purpose in life? Do you ever think about that?


Maybe you have thought about it and just don't know. 

Or maybe you just don't want to think about it.

Either way, you are here for a reason. 

We are all here for a purpose—to help each other. We should make use of our talents and skills to help those in need. When we are of service to others, we benefit and improve our own lives. Make a commitment to help others in your community it will change your life.


In this episode, Coach Stone speaks with Louis March, the founder of the Zero Gun Violence Movement. Louis has been a volunteer community worker and an advocate in the African Canadian community for over 30 years. His work has primarily focused on youth engagement and mentorship initiatives along with serving on various community organization Boards and Advisory Committees.


Louis talks about leadership, racism, inspiring young people, and gun violence in Toronto, Canada. He also mentions how important the youth are today in the Black Lives Matter movement. We have to be there for them and support and encouragement them. They are our present and future. We should not let them dwell in the darkness. We must remind them that it is never too late to start a new path. 


[4:06] When you’re managing people, you’re managing deadlines, limited resources, and expectations.
[5:27] It was about management theory, that not everybody is the same. The management style for one person may not be effective for another person.
[5:42] Management by objectives (MBO) means that you don’t sit down and declare an objective for your department unless your staff buys into it.
[5:53] Management objective is when you come up with the objective that you need, sell it to your staff and get them to buy into it, and then give them the resources and support so that they can achieve it.
[6:54] If you have to empower your staff, they’re always going to be slaves to you. They’re only going to work when you’re around. You have to teach them how to empower themselves.
[7:21] In the long run, if you want to make a difference for them, teach them how to empower themselves so that when you’re not there, the work can continue.
[8:22] Treat people with respect and encourage them when they do things right.
[8:45] The compensation is not just your salary. It’s your development and learning.
[9:24] It’s about continuous learning. Not only for yourself but when your manager continues learning for the people.
[9:41] Continue to learn, grow, and excel until you can do something else.
[10:35] You better be nimble, quick, and aware of what’s changing around you. Change with it, or you will be a victim of this change.
[17:15] When we look at the US, and we look at Canada, we know that in the US, racism is blatant. It’s upfront.
[17:29] In Canada, it’s been below the table. However, it’s still as damaging here as it is in the States. 
[20:02] The silent victims are the ones that have been suffering racism and police brutality but have kept quiet because they didn’t think anybody would have listened to them. 
[20:20] The silent participants, those in the workplace, public transports, and schools. They knew what was going on, but benefited from their silence.
[21:44] There is white privilege. Racism does exist in Canada and around the world.
[28:14] Our perspective on what’s going on in the streets, in terms of gun violence, is different from what you can hear from the politicians and the police.
[28:40] There’s the socialization that takes place. Understand that socialization so that they have legitimate options besides gang and gun violence.
[31:22] Society does not give these young people a chance, a meaningful chance. 
[31:54] You don’t have to be a bad person to end up going the wrong way. 
[35:51] When I look at gun violence, I look at it as a report card of where we failed.
[40:46] I think the average incarcerated person has a Grade 6 or Grade 8 education.
[41:30] When you have nothing to do, a drug dealer will give you something to do. 
[43:09] These are the challenges that we have. They’ve given up on life, no goals, nobody to help them set a goal, and nobody there to support them in difficult situations. The only people that respond to them are gang life—the gang culture. 
[43:29] Eighty percent of the people in the provincial jail system does not have a proper Grade 8 education.
[45:53] I’m not giving up on these young people. All we have to do is be there for them and provide them with some support and encouragement.
[46:48] We have something called the Four Rs from the Zero Gun Violence Movement. We have to learn how to deliver the right resources to the right people at the right time and the right place.
[47:38] We have all these failures in terms of providing service and support, and then we wonder why these young people turn their backs and go to another place where they can get what they are looking for. 
[50:47] I see a lot of organizations out here getting money, but I don’t see them doing the work in the community.
[52:43] That’s why we have to find balance in an organization. You need funding but also have an impact on the population.
[52:54] We have something called the Funding Olympics. When the fund comes out with money, they know who they’re going to give the gold, silver, and bronze medal to.
[53:55] We have to learn to realize that community safety has to come from the community itself. Not from the government and the police. By the time they get involved, it’s too late.
[55:04] Learn to work with each other. Partner and collaborate in a meaningful way because a young person might have five different issues that need to be dealt with.
[56:29] I have to invest in myself from a health and wellness point of view. I have to stop thinking that I’m invincible. 
[1:00:46] I better start valuing and appreciating the small things.
[1:02:19] You have the gift of life. Make the most of it. Stop whining and complaining about everything and start positively influencing others.
[1:04:02] Never be too judgmental because you never know their full story.
[1:05:08] Reimagine yourselves—new goals and new objectives but also having the resilience to survive. 
[1:06:04] Society always shows up late. We got to be ahead of that.
[1:07:58] Society is changing. The influencers in society for your children are changing. You got to be aware of that.
[1:08:16] When you need help as a parent, attend parenting programs.
[1:08:30] Be a part of the solution. Don’t always be on the sidelines because the demands of our children today are different from the demands of our children yesterday.
[1:09:23] Don’t be afraid of adversity because out of adversity comes success.
[1:09:57] When there’s an obstacle, I’m not giving in but just elevating my game.
[1:13:21] Have a plan. One that is leading somewhere. Don’t be at the mercy of others.
[1:16:20] Gratitude is being generous with your praise.



The School of Success
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Louis March

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Zero Gun Violence Movement

Zero Gun Violence Movement Website 
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Zero Gun Violence Movement Youtube
Contact number: 416.577.3908
[email protected]


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