In this, we break free from conventional goal-setting wisdom and embark on a journey to redefine success.

Join Coach Stone, an international speaker and thought leader on personal development, as he unravels the secrets of a new paradigm that goes beyond the limitations of S.M.A.R.T goals. In fact, he breaks down why so many people struggle with the S.M.A.R.T goals plan and what is working in replacement of the goal plan. Discover groundbreaking strategies and mindset shifts that will empower you to not only set ambitious goals but to crush them with unparalleled success.

Are you ready to elevate your goal-setting game? Listen now to gain insights, inspiration, and practical tips that will unleash your inner champion. It's time to embrace a fresh perspective on achievement and transform the way you approach your aspirations. Get ready to conquer your dreams in ways you never thought possible!

Listen to this episode IF:

You want to make this year an amazing year
You have major goals you want to achieve
You're tired of NOT accomplishing your goals
You have tried goal plans in the past but they didn't work
You want to live a bigger life
You KNOW that you want more but don't know how to get it
You want to know a BETTER way to create the life you want

Subscribe now and be part of the Champion You community, where we are dedicated to helping you live your potential and achieve extraordinary success. The journey to crushing your goals starts here!

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