Too often we look at failures and setbacks as final. We think it’s the end. And because we get discouraged when we fail for many of us we quit. What many people don’t realize is that failure is necessary for success and some of the most successful and innovative individuals that changed the world failed. Many, many, many times over.

The problem is, you like most people only look at their success. You see them when they are on top and you don’t see their struggles along the way. And you measure yourself against others, people you see on social media, successful people in your city or country or global names you see and you beat yourself up for not being further ahead on your journey.

What you have to know is that everyone’s journey is unique. Their paths are different. No two people will have the exact same journey in life. Even siblings who are triplets, or quadruplets that have grown up in the same household, went to the same schools and had the same opportunities will have different journeys in life.

What this means is don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t disqualify yourself because you haven’t reached a certain level in life. Instead, start getting clear about what you REALLY want and become hyper-focused on it. Learn as much as you can, surround yourself with people who have what you want, and use failures as a setup for success.
That’s exactly what these individuals have done and they changed the world!

In this episode Coach Stone looks at 5 people who were considered failures, yet pushed through and changed the world. We can learn from these 5 people and use them as motivation to keep pushing toward your goals.

Links mentioned in this episode:

7 Biggest Public Speaking Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make That Cost Them 6 Figures or More (free download)
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Champion You Academy
Danny Stone Website
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