You have a personal brand and you may not even know it. As a human being your family, friends, and followers see you a certain way. You may be known to individuals or groups of people for skills, knowledge, information, or simply how you show up in the world.

It's important to be aware of your personal brand especially if you are an entrepreneur. You have to know what you stand for and how you are perceived by your audience, your clients and your potential clients. So often "gurus" talk about sales funnels, ads, and other client attraction methods, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if you want loyal clients, people who will not just buy from you once, but will continue to buy from you over time, you need to ensure they know what your brand stands for.

But don't worry, in this episode, Coach Danny Stone is going to tell you why you need a solid brand and why it is important to do the work to build your brand.

Listen to the episode if you want to build a known brand that makes more impact, income and influence.


Links mentioned in this episode:

You Have The Keys, Now Drive Course
Champion You Community
Champion You Academy
Danny Stone Website
Danny Stone Facebook
Danny Stone Instagram
Danny Stone Twitter

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