So many people think that highly successful people became successful, wealthy, famous, or known because they were motivated! It is true that it does take motivation to get started and throughout the journey, some motivation is required to keep going...However... Most successful people don't credit their success to being motivated and if they do, when you listen to what they are really saying they are saying it was DISCIPLINE that got them across the finish line.

It is daily, consistent, action and habits that transforms lives not motivation. Lots of people get motivated and they still haven't achieved their goals and they are not living their potential. 

Maybe you can relate. Maybe you tell yourself you are not motivated to take consistent action toward your dreams, but the truth is you need more discipline, better habits, and daily actions.

In this episode, Coach Danny Stone breaks down why you need discipline over motivation and how to become more discipline so that you can unlock your inner champion and win in business and life.


Listen to this episode if:

You have a big dream or goal that you want to achieve
You often start to take action on your goals but fall off track and struggle to get back on track
You know that you have so much more potential to do more in your life
You are not motivated to take consistent daily action toward your goals
Other people or you are holding yourself back from tapping into your full potential

Coach Danny Stone's Links

You Have The Keys Now Drive Course
Winning Mindset Bundle
Champion You Academy
Danny Stone Website
Danny Stone Facebook
Danny Stone Instagram
Danny Stone Twitter

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