In this episode, Coach Stone shares some of the many ways you can set up a powerful and successful 2023 by taking time to reflect now. I'm going to explore how we can take an honest look at ourselves, take a close look at our habits, think about what we really want to do in life and create a new vision for tomorrow. Ask yourself these questions to reflect on 2022 and start preparing for success next year. These 19 questions will help you get a clear picture of your year and where you want to go moving forward.

With so many distractions and potential roadblocks, it's important you know how to stay on track. Join Coach Stone as he shares his personal tricks for success as well as some strategies that have been proven to work in past years. Commit to your goal, then move on. One of the most common mistakes people make is setting their goals too low. A big reason for this is that they don't take time to visualize what the finished product will look like when they're done. They just set a deadline and log off, which means that even though they are getting exercise in throughout the day, their progress never translates into real-life wins for them.

To avoid this trap, first take time to evaluate this year; what went well, what didn’t, what brought you joy, and what you want more of in your life.

You will learn the 19 questions to ask yourself right now.

Listen to this episode if:

You know you want more out of life
You want a true account of how your year truly played out
Have major goals you want to achieve in 2023
Want to make next year your best year ever


Coach Danny Stone's Links

Download the Free 2022 Self-Reflection Guide
Champion You Academy
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