We all want to be remembered.

We all want to leave our mark on this world.

We all want to impact the lives of others.

How can we do that?

We can do it by showing up every day with intention. Show up in your life to be the best version of yourself so you can be better for others. Wake up with the desire to make someone's life better each day.

You can also do it by learning how to speak in stages in a way that leads people to take inspired action. Speaking is one of the most powerful ways to connect with many people at one time and impact the audience in a real way.

If you truly want me a memorable public speaker that impact the lives of others you have to learn to master 3 things.

In this episode Coach Dany Stone break down the 3 things you need to master in your speeches that will make people remember you and want more.

If you have a cause that you are passionate about, a business that you love, or a mission to help more people, this episode is for you.


In this episode you will hear:

Why public speaking is a great way to impact many lives
The 3 things you need to do in your speech or presentation to make your audience remember you
Why speaking is the fastest, most cost-effective way to grow your business
What you should do at the end of your presentation to get people to want to buy from you or take action right away

Coach Danny Stone's Links

Champion You Academy
Danny Stone Website
Danny Stone Facebook
Danny Stone Instagram
Danny Stone Twitter
Danny Stone LinkedIn


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