Public speaking is still amongst the top fears people have in the world. Some people would rather die than speak in front of a group of people. So many people want to be more confident and more impactful when speaking but the fear is just too much.

Others have tried to learn tips and tricks to have a more polished image when speaking but there are just so many things to learn... How to craft the right speech, stage presence, tone of voice, the pitch of your voice, body language, pausing at the right time, and engaging the audience; it can be overwhelming to learn all of these things.

Don't worry, Coach Danny Stone is going to help you. If you want to be a confident, memorable, impactful speech, there are 4 things you need to become better at. Once you learn these four things and you practice them you will be remembered and people will buy your products and services.

Coach Stone is a leadership and empowerment speaker that has spoken on stages in different countries and has taught countless people how to be impactful speakers. In this episode, he sharing 4 key tips that will help you.


Listen to this episode if:

You want to be a more confident speaker
You have a message to get out to the world
You are a Coach, Author, Consultant or Entrepreneur and want to attract your ideal clients
You are tired of sales calls, funnels, emails and other marketing tools that are not producing results

Links mentioned in this episode:

Speak Up to Scale Up Challenge
Champion You Academy
Danny Stone Website
Danny Stone Facebook
Danny Stone Instagram
Danny Stone Twitter
Danny Stone LinkedIn



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