Mario Armstrong is a two-time Emmy award winner, lifestyle entrepreneur, creator and motivational speaker with Daymond John's Shark Group. He's also the creator and host of the Never Settle Show. This critically acclaimed production has been recognized with an Emmy Award win for “Best Interactivity”, an Emmy Award Nomination for “Best Program Host”, a Digiday Publishing Award nomination for “Best Use of Facebook Live”, a Webby Honoree Award for “Social: Experimental & Innovation”, and an award for “Best Live Show” from the International Academy of Web Television Awards. 

In this episode, Mario and Danny sit down and talk about what it means to never settle, how to keep going when you want to quit, the real way to achieve your goals and big dreams, where Mario gets his fierce work ethic, coming back from being broke, and so much more. 

This is an episode you will want to take notes on because there is so much value and tips to help you take your life and business to the next level.


Here is some of what you will hear in our conversation:

[4:15] People need to win more people are people that are struggling to get their ideas to get their passion, they give up on themselves too easily, because maybe they haven't had a good upbringing.

[4:50]  I say vulnerability is the new currency. And I keep repeating that over and over because vulnerable, being vulnerable and showing up to be courageous about what you haven't accomplished or What you're struggling with, lets other people know that they're not on an island by themselves.

[13:25] And I'm continuing to be flawed, nobody's perfect. We're always going to evolve and try to be better.

[15:42] But if I told you to switch that word, and say, instead of saying, I'm nervous, going to speak on that stage, say, I'm energized to go and speak on that stage, you feel it completely different. Your physiology changes, your chest changes, your breathing changes, you feel completely different just by saying, I'm energized to ask this question, not, I'm nervous, too.

[18:28] And since we did launch with the best that we could do with what we had, we then ended up getting phone calls, getting messages, and ultimately winning an Emmy.

[23:30] That's nobody wants to talk about this part of the process.
Like, we just had a killer show that changed lives. And I'm packing up the U haul truck and now driving that doggone hoopty from New York to Baltimore, and then taking the stuff out.

[30:13] And when you have the big picture, and you can reverse engineer it when you can see the outcome that you're trying to get next three, three months, six months, a year, three years when you can see that outcome. When you only vision that outcome, you get overwhelmed. And that's why some of so many of you quit.

[36:23] And I remember seeing that eviction notice and just wondering like, you know, what is that and having him explained to me what that kind of is and what it meant. But then also to see his mindset is that he still was trying to push on the dream at the same time. And as a kid, I never felt poor. Because the parents do a great job of making you feel like you don't know what's going on in their world.

[43:47] And I just remember sitting in a parking lot crying by myself, because I thought I let my family down because I was the one that came up with this genius idea that we can make this dream happen. And so as a black man, and as a father, and as a husband, I felt like, holy crap. Is this what my dad was feeling.

[45:19] I'm flat broke no money and I'm on the Today Show son.
How crazy how what's the juxtaposition of Oh, Mario's made it? He's on today's show looking at Baltimore boy go. Nah, man, my godmother paid for my daggone train ticket. Today's show luckily put me up in a hotel that night.

[49:40] You're never gonna be fully ready to do anything. You just have to do it.

[51:14]  And so really, the reason why it wasn't like she (my wife) really supported my vision is because truth be told, I think she had more of the vision of what she saw me as the and this isn't like me trying to be Oprah. It was just like what the barometer was, for at the time, she saw me as the Oprah replacement for a younger generation.

[100:11] I don't want to be the dot. Oh, wow. Like I want my impact to be big enough that it was justifiable for me to be the foreword of your book!

[103:05] And I just really recognized that there was a fourth way to generate some income. And that was based off of sponsorships, and sponsorships. While you still have responsibilities to the sponsor. That's it. I got responsibilities to one sponsor, who by the way, it's not actually anyone's individual money. It's the company's money.

[114:58]  I say this quote, "When something is important enough, do it even when all the odds are against you."


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Never Settle Show

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Mario Armstrong Website

Danny's Links:

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