I often get direct messages on social media and other messages from individuals or coaching clients asking me, "Hey Coach Stone how to I position myself as an expert?" This is a great question! I break down 10 things you can do to position yourself as an expert in your field or as a speaker with a powerful story.


Whether you are a freelancer, have an inspiring story, or you are knowledgeable or have skills within a certain field, you can position yourself as an expert. You can reach more of your ideal clients, connect with your audience, and reach more people when you are seen as an expert.


Here's some of what is mentioned in this episode:

[5:42] Most people don't write books. And so one of the ways that you can position yourself as an expert, or somebody of authority on a particular subject, or with a story of overcoming challenges is to write a book.

[8:51] The fact that you stand up on a stage, or that you get in front of a group makes you an authority because most people won't do that.

[11:33] And by the way, you don't have to be a great teacher, you don't have to have a background in teaching.

[12:43] But having a podcast positions me as an expert, what you're listening to right now the grind and gratitude show is all about helping people level up their lives and their businesses.

[15:15]  Sometimes it's very difficult to find the direction and find the clarity and take the actions that you need to take, maybe you need coaching, maybe now is the time for you to get a coach.

[16:41] Are you a speaker? Are you somebody who knows? technology? Are you somebody who's a great writer? Are you a hairstylist? Are you a barber, are you somebody who's into investing, take that knowledge, and reach out to people who have platforms, and ask to be a guest on their platform

[20:59] There are people who tune into my Instagram, every single day because they know that they're going to get some type of inspiration, some type of motivation, some type of coaching tips, that's going to help them to level up their life in their business.

[32:22]  So if you have a five-step process to help somebody sort of revamping their blog, then maybe that's what you do.


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