Evan Rickert has always had vivid dreams but the one he has on the eve of his 12th birthday—in which his parents give him a dog named Luna—feels especially real. So when he wakes up and realizes it was just a dream, disappointment sets in. But not for long. Because...wait...what’s that barking? Set in the world of dreams and middle-school—two places where it feels like anything can happen—Dream Breachers is a high stakes adventure about the highs and lows of having all your dreams come true.

Hear the full season only on Pinna!

Evan Rickert has always had vivid dreams but the one he has on the eve of his 12th birthday—in which his parents give him a dog named Luna—feels especially real. So when he wakes up and realizes it was just a dream, disappointment sets in. But not for long. Because...wait...what’s that barking? Set in the world of dreams and middle-school—two places where it feels like anything can happen—Dream Breachers is a high stakes adventure about the highs and lows of having all your dreams come true.

Hear the full season only on Pinna!