Welcome back to "Queen of Embers", a tabletop actual play of political intrigue and investigation using the ENnie award-winning Best Game & Product Of The Year Zweihänder Grim & Perilous RPG.  Join us as we infiltrate the crusaders' camp!

Dramatis Personae:

* Bannecker Steeples II, a male Aradain Highwayman/Smuggler played by Tim Cohron

* Elisa Marius, a female Rovaynian Provocateur/Investigator played by Kay Peek 

* Eugene Thornberry, a male Aradain Archivist/Bailiff played by Jason Birch  

* Harper Claviger, a male Rovaynian Dragoon/Pistolier played by Mike 'The Boss' Bossaller

* Terwyn Forrester, a male Rovaynian Man-At-Arms/Sellsword played by Adam Rose

* Warren Rhodes, a male Grahlsteader Camp Follower /Plague Doktor played by Nicholas O'Hare

* Advanced Tier Gamemaster, Daniel D. Fox

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