Previous Episode: Memento Mori E20

Welcome to Gallione, the godless lands.

It was once a pastoral country, with its people shepherded by two factions. Concerns of the soul were the domain of the Covenant priesthood, while earthly matters were left to the Mercator Dynasty. This accord lasted for nearly two hundred years… but it all came to an end.

Holy Mother Karmen was a leader of the Covenant, untarnished by corruption. She ensured that Gallione lived in peace with its eastern neighbors. But the Mercators suspected something far darker, that the Holy Mother sought to undo the dynasty. For this unforgivable crime, Karmen and her followers were crucified in the capital of Ghent. But the Mercators were wrong. Where Karmen’s blood spilled, crimson flowers blossomed. And with it, came the Red Death.

The plague spread across Gallione like seeds of a dandelion. Sickness overwhelmed its cities. The Mercators perished, and their knights fell to rebellion. The Covenant’s temples were converted into hospices for the dying and when no cure was to be found, were burned to the ground.

With the death of the Mercators and the splintering of the Covenant, the crimson disease is gone. But – in its wake – there is chaos.

In Gallione, death is considered a blessing. The Custodian is there to greet them as they begin their passage into the Well of Souls. Some, however, are trapped between life and death. Cursed to walk the land tirelessly, these misfortunate souls have been dubbed the Damned. Precious few were spared from the Red Death, but you…you are among those survivors.

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