S7E172: Sex Doll Brothels - 

 Driveway parties, roof bonding, George Jetson’s birthday, bitter Kool-Aid pageant, angry Christians, sex doll brothels, and heavy metal for your filthy earballs mother effer! 

 *Available on your favorite streaming service*  

 Special Thanks to: 

Bug; Bug 2  

Mystic Charm, SONG: Bloodshot Eyes  

Grotesqueries, SONG: Flesh Prison  

Sedimentum, SONG: Funestes Manifestations  

Grandma’s Pantry, Corpsevomit, SONG: Seas of Excrement  

Ripped to Shreds, SONG: Open Grave  

Extermination Day, SONG: Be The Consequence  

Plasmodulated, SONG: Plasmodulated  

Hatriot, SONG: Hymn for the Wicked 

Discordance Axis, SONG: Jigsaw 

Firtan, SONG: Amor Fati