S8E219: Cockatoo...

A sad update on the woman banging on her coffin, true crime judging, 10 most valuable cassette tapes, sinful workers, AI sagas, virgin births, an Uber tragedy, and heavy metal for your filthy earballs!

Special Thanks To:

Ash in Decay, SONG: Cause Célèbre

Divinex, SONG: Full Disadulation

This Party Sucks, SONG: Kicked outta Church


Necrotion, SONG: Song of Dog 

Grandma's Pantry, Nocturnal Trinity, SONG: Thy Corpse to Dust? 

Painstorm, SONG: The Plainfield's Butcher

Phantom Corporation, SONG: No Tomorrow

Reign of Vengeance, SONG: Disemboweling Swine

Nokturnal Frost, SINGLE: Shadow of Time

Lava Invocator, SONG: Signs of Apocalypse

Lucifixion, SONG: O To Strike One Great and Final Wound on Thee Sum of Thee Lives of Thee Earthe