This week, our guest is Jenny Carr, engaging speaker, author, and leading inflammation expert. Once a professional skier, Jenny found herself bedridden years ago, fighting for her health and at times, literally at the brink of death. Her understanding of the impact inflammation has on the body and mind (regardless of its cause - and there are MANY!) helped her return to a place of true healing, health and restoration.

Chronic inflammation shows up in our bodies as bloating, extreme fatigue, depression, and physical aches and pains. Sound familiar? Over 40% of the U.S. population is diagnosed with chronic inflammation (and that’s only counting those who seek medical intervention)! We are quick to attribute these symptoms to “just getting older,” settling and coping with our lot in life. Inflammation’s effects compound when grief enters the picture. In this vicious cycle, stress increases inflammation and inflammation increases stress. We’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way!

When you acknowledge and address the signs of chronic inflammation in your own body, you create the conditions for healing. Your biological systems begin to operate more efficiently and smoothly, and the physical body can finally feel safe to do the deeper healing work.

Jenny guides us through the in’s and out’s of inflammation, educating us on the physiological processes that are taking place, and gives us straightforward and practical steps we can take to support our body through grief, such as deep breathing and drinking more water— powerfully simple, easy to implement actions with profound results!


Topics we covered:

The causes and symptoms of chronic inflammation: what’s happening in the body and why. How to recognize and respond to chronic inflammation. The deeper emotional responses and reactions we experience with inflammation. The simplest, most underrated step that you can take NOW towards feeling better (and many other really easy action items!). The food items that exacerbate our symptoms...and foods that help us heal!



Jenny’s website, where you can sign up for her free e-book, “Peace of Cake: The Secret to an Anti-inflammatory Diet.” Connect with her on facebook. The past episode of Grief Unveiled all about sugar addiction with Jenn Edden. Listen on iTunes or Spotify.