What Leyden’s birthday, being busy, and blank checks have in common. Plus 4 things to help during times of heightened challenge.

About this podcast:

Grief, Guts & Smoothies. These three things changed my life – they might change yours too. Each episode we abandon our comfort zones to get a little gutsy and hold space to grow into stronger versions of ourselves.

In 2014, the birth of my daughter Leyden changed my entire world. Four months later, grief shattered it. I was broken, scared, lost, angry and hopeless. I didn’t want to live and wasn’t really sure how to.

I sought every mean to “fight” grief: researching, joining parent groups, and I even traveled outside of the country twice, to hear world-renowned grief speaker Dr. Raymond Moody.

Disappointed, I discovered like all adversities in life, there is no way to “beat” grief. But, thankfully, there were effective strategies I could employ when navigating such choppy waters. Whether it was understanding the gut-brain connection, or getting gutsy in my ability to face discomfort, the tools I learned, truly saved my life.

There are not nearly enough resources to support each other through uncomfortable challenges – be it loss of a job, a relationship, a sense of self…or life. Talking about uncomfortable things, well that takes guts. And we are going to get really gutsy here.

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Podcast edited and mixed by Andrew Geary

Catch up with me on socials!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissadlugolecki/

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-dlugolecki-b24988141/

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