Previous Episode: 48: Manifest Magic into 2020
Next Episode: 50: Say NO in 2020

Melissa shares the top 10 lessons and 4 "wish I knew's" of the decade- things she has learned in her journey that can certainly help you in yours. Tune in to prepare to enter the new decade your strongest and most clear self.

About this podcast:

Grief, Guts & Smoothies. These three things changed my life – they might change yours too. Each episode we abandon our comfort zones to get a little gutsy and hold space to grow into stronger versions of ourselves.

In 2014, the birth of my daughter Leyden changed my entire world. Four months later, grief shattered it. I was broken, scared, lost, angry and hopeless. I didn’t want to live and wasn’t really sure how to.

I sought every means to “fight” grief: researching, joining parent groups, and I even traveled outside of the country twice, to hear world-renowned grief speaker Dr. Raymond Moody.

Disappointed, I discovered like all adversities in life, there is no way to “beat” grief. But, thankfully, there were effective strategies I could employ when navigating such choppy waters. Whether it was understanding the gut-brain connection, or getting gutsy in my ability to face discomfort, the tools I learned, truly saved my life.

There are not nearly enough resources to support each other through uncomfortable challenges – be it loss of a job, a relationship, a sense of self…or life. Talking about uncomfortable things, well that takes guts. And we are going to get really gutsy here.

Connect with Melissa:

Learn more at Melissa’s website -
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Podcast edited and mixed by 51 features. Connect at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.

Catch up with me on socials!




